Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Watch Out ! Fast Food Boy Coming !

This fast food Boy apparently had finished his delivery and was rushing back for more assignment.”

“Notice how dangerous is it as he rides past the pedestrian. His judgment might be good and he seems sure that he will not run him down.”

“But what if the pedestrian was engrossed in his Mp3 player or something and did not hear the bike coming?”

“I understand that fast food delivery boys earn very little commission and always have to make the delivery on time or else people like us will complaint against them. Maybe that is why they have to resort to taking illegal shortcuts.”

“For the safety of the general public and also the delivery boys, I think that fast food restaurant should do a review and give these boys more time to do their job safely.”

I believes that Singaporeans should be more understanding about the job that these fast food delivery boys have to do and offer compliments and tips when satisfied with their service.

“After all, it is their service that saves us the trouble of going out,”


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